Knock Pest Insecticide

 34,95 inclusive of VAT

For use against crawling insects indoors.

104 op voorraad

Knock Pest Insecticide
Zeer breed inzetbaar insecticide voor gebruik tegen kruipende insecten door naden en kieren behandeling binnenshuis.

Benefits capsule suspension
In this special capsule suspension formulation, the active ingredient is contained in small capsules and dispensed in doses. As a result, the agent works better on porous and/or dirty surfaces. It is also better protected against moisture, higher temperature and sunlight.

To combat such things as.

  • Ants
  • Fleas
  • Silverfish
  • Paperfish
  • Cockroaches
  • Bed Bugs

Wordt geleverd in een handige doseerflacon voor het eenvoudig aanmaken van de juiste dosering spuitvloeistof. Knock Pest Insectenmiddel toepassen met behulp van de handsproeier of trigger sproeier.

In houses, apartments, community centers, cinemas, barracks, hotels, restaurants, bars, canteens, hospitals, industrial warehouses, etc.

50 ml of product in 5 liters of water to 100 m2  treat.

KNOC00117AF – 100 ml
KNOC00117AH – 250 ml

Admission number: NL-0020527-0000

Active substance
Deltamethrin 2,451%

Use Knock Pest Insecticide safely. Read the label and product information before use. For application and use, see the legal operating instruction/user manual.


KNOCK000117AF    KNOCK000117AH

Extra informatie

Gewicht 0,31 kg
Afmetingen 9 × 4 × 16 cm